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Sawyer application at a drilling station

Sawyer application at a drilling station

Sharing Sawyer’s quick and easy application in a drill stand, the clip is POC – Proof of Concept that we made for one of our clients, we have some of those positions we are preparing for.

A bit about the challenges in such stations:

  • Lifting the part out of bulk
  • Inserting part accurately into a jig / fixture
  • Performing a number of different drills Some require grips in various areas of the part
  • Interface to outdated equipment not built to be powered by advanced computer equipment
  • Performing visual quality control
  • Distributing the finished product Enumeration
  • Execution without external equipment (shielding, sensors, pistons, cameras, machine interface electronic interface, etc.)
  • Execution without unusual costs of programmers and implementers

How to overcome these challenges:

  • Lifting the part out of bulk – Using the Sawyer’s integral camera to identify the part or specific segment of the part, and after locating an exact location of the part, access the part from the right point and the right orientation
  • Insert part exactly to the jig / fixture – The cobot prompt is to slide the part around the fixing opening, then slide the part until the arm feeling the fixture resistance in the way the part sits for sure in the exact location.
  • Performing a number of different drills in the part that require grips in different areas of the part – the part must be rotated and gripped differently before each move, in order to meet this challenge to a 7-degree Cobot that allows complex movements even in space filled with objects and disturbances, the Cobot’s accuracy for motion meets a repetitivity of 0.1 mm for the axis and 0.5 degrees for the axis of rotation. > Old-fashioned equipment interface not built to be powered by advanced computer equipment – The drill is built to be powered and rotated by a human, the arm simulates human movement and activates a move, pressure intensity, and duration as defined by it. It will exert exactly the same movement and intensity of pressure in every move, and it is precisely finer materials or delicate movements that will do better than a person. Even in the context of the operating interface, at the beginning of the job, the Cobot can press the drill button with his finger and at the end press the stop button.
  • Performing Visual Quality Control – Once the mission is completed, the Cobot can verify the execution It did it with it’s camera, and if the part was disqualified (for example, the drill was broken and failed to drill), the Cobot would disqualify the part and call the operator (waving a hand, lighting a lamp, or sending a message)
  • Dividing the finished product into portions  – With the ability of the Cobot to work in patterns, the Cobot may arrange the parts in stacks of fixed quantities, if the parts need to be arranged in such a way that they fit together in order to secure storage, this too will be done by the Cobot.

  • Execution without connecting external equipment (shielding, sensors, pistons, cameras, machine interface electronic interface, etc.) – to cobot Our integral vision and sensing capabilities often save complex wiring equipment – it has human fingers that often open and close doors, push buttons, press, and fasten, with its eyes it (camera) can see parts, see test results, make sure That a good part, and if we have defined fault events in advance, he knows how to manipulate faults. It is also important to mention in this context that it is safe to run in a human environment and so if the app is not dangerous, no need for dedicated shielding,
  • Execution without the extra costs of programmers and implementers
    • Repeat Task – If the Cobot has learned the task before, you only need to upload the program, within a few seconds Sawyer looks at the workspace, calibrates himself (with the help of landmarks) and gets in on the job.
    • Similar Task – If the Cobot has learned a similar task, and minor adjustments need to be made to fit the new task, the adjustment may take minutes.
    • New Task – Learn how to teach and bot complex tasks, take a once in a lifetime – about two days, after you’ve learned how it works and thinks, should gain proficiency in the application. An employee with some experience in the Cobot application takes the Cobot to teach this task for about an hour or two for the first time.
    • Program Capacity – If you ask how many programs the Cobot can contain, then the answer is that it has 2 Terra memory, and a program usually weighs a few kilobytes. The practical answer – as much as you want.

The Sawyer Cobot  Redefines the world of robots, and iCobots redefines the perception of the robot distributor in Israel.

Sawyer was not built on traditional robotic concepts , but a second generation of innovative Cobots technologies, built on the basis of experience and applications in and on production floors, and integrates the best of existing technology to give the customer the best possible competitive price.

iCobots was established to enable Israeli factories to peak productivity and address the growing lack of skilled labor unlike any robot and Cobots supplier in the market, iCobots allows customers to experiment, rent, operate, and watch the application on the production floor without having to take big purchasing risks, and with satisfactory programming proof.

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